2009 NHTS |
Number of Households |
Number of Households by Life Cycle |
Life Cycle classification for the HH | Number of Households | ||
Sample Size | Sum (Thousands) | Percent | |
one adult, no children | 15,138 | 19,502 | 17.2 |
2+ adults, no children | 31,475 | 23,578 | 20.8 |
one adult, youngest child 0-5 | 610 | 1,259 | 1.1 |
2+ adults, youngest child 0-5 | 12,937 | 13,280 | 11.7 |
one adult, youngest child 6-15 | 2,037 | 2,437 | 2.2 |
2+ adults, youngest child 6-15 | 16,826 | 14,833 | 13.1 |
one adult, youngest child 16-21 | 1,139 | 1,037 | 0.9 |
2+ adults, youngest child 16-21 | 6,626 | 5,765 | 5.1 |
one adult, retired, no children | 20,513 | 12,239 | 10.8 |
2+ adults, retired, no children | 42,846 | 19,172 | 17.0 |
All | 150,147 | 113,101 | 100.0 |